glyXera is specialist provider of high-performance glycoanalysis, with services and products customisable to meet specific customer demands through using cutting edge methods and tools.

Clients include the world’s leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology and food companies.

The company is the exclusive provider of glyXboxTM, a high-performance glycoanalysis system.

Our expertise guides clients toward improved decision-making, also boosting and increasing the speed of discovery phases, research and development (R&D), clinical trials, and eventual approval of products such as vaccines and biopharmaceuticals.

Our stringent quality management solutions and operation protocols enable analyses to be replicated at the highest level, with transparency throughout all processes.

 glyXera is a Max Planck Society spin-off, with offices and labs in Magdeburg, the state capital of Saxony-Anhalt.

We are based in the ZENIT Building, at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg’s medical campus.


glyXera has a proven track-record of providing glycoanalytical services.

We operate modern analytical and synthesis labs, equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation.

High-performance glycoanalytical services are individualised according to specific client requirements through our expertise and advanced technology platforms, with customers spanning areas such as academia, clinics, pharmaceutical and food industries.

Our substantial experience covers glycomics, glycoproteomics and proteomics of biotechnological (e.g. recombinant glycoproteins (mAbs, fusion proteins, factors, hormones, etc) or viral membrane glycoproteins) and clinical samples such as blood, milk and other body fluids.

A significant amount of care is put into R&D in order to develop, validate, implement and apply cutting-edge glycoanalysis methods of complementary or orthogonal nature, as well as dedicated software-tools and databases.

Research is focused on developing and applying new high-performance glycoanalytical tools and techniques, in addition to specialist hardware and software, and customised reagents & kits.


glyXera provides fast and reliable glycoanalysis through a high-throughput system that offers optimum performance and capacities compared with other glycoanalytical tools available elsewhere on the market.

Our patented glyXboxTM system is based on multiplexed capillary gel electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection (xCGE-LIF), enabling generation and comparison of „glyco-fingerprints“ from large sample sets and structural analysis of glycans, within these samples.

Based on xCGE-LIF, benefits include:

– Up to 96 capillaries in parallel enable ‘real’ high throughput

– 450x faster than conventional systems

– Sensitivity more than 3,500x that of conventional systems

– Separation power 15x greater than that of conventional systems

– High-reproducibility of peak heights

– Excellent reproducibility of migration times

High-performance glycoanalysis is provided on three levels, comprising:

– Glycofingerprinting (GFP): glycosylation pattern analysis and comparison

– Standard glycoprofiling (STD-GP): identification of glycans in complex mixtures via database matching

– Extended glycoprofiling (EXT-GP): extended structural analysis of glycans in complex mixtures using exoglycosidase sequencing in combination with repeated xCGE-LIF-based glyco-profiling (including linkage analysis)


Glycoprofiling is provided for purified glycoproteins, protein mixtures (separated by one or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis), or from complex samples that include blood, plasma, serum, saliva, milk and body tissue.

 xCGE-LIF and HILIC-FLR based solutions are for:

– Glyco-fingerprinting (GFP)

– Standard glycoprofiling (STD-GP)

– Extended glycoprofiling (EXT-GP)

 We also provide glycoprofiling that is based on matrix assisted laser desorption time of flight (tandem) mass spectrometry (MALDI-Tof-MS(/MS)).

Profiling for N- and O-glycans is enabled by porous graphitised carbon liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation (tandem) mass spectrometry (PGC-LC-MS(/MS)).

Monosaccharide (composition) analysis comprises the separation and quantification of enzymatically / chemically released neutral monosaccharides, sialic acids and e.g. terminal alpha galactoses by HPAEC-PAD, HILIC-FLR and/or RP-LC-FLR.

Site occupancy analysis comprises determination of N- and O-glycosylation location of (monoclonal) antibodies and other (recombinant) glycoproteins by LC-MS/MS.

Protein identification is obtained through ‘peptide fragmentation mass fingerprinting’, by MALDI-Tof-MS/MS and/or LC-ESI-MS/MS.

N- & O-Glycopeptide Mapping for determination of glycan (composition) and glycosylation site is gained by high-resolution LC-ESI-MS.

General (glyco)protein characterisation is achieved through Protein Gel Electrophoresis Pattern Analysis of one or two-dimensional gels.


glyXboxCE:Our high-performance glycoanalysis system that is based on multiplexed capillary gel electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection (xCGE-LIF). It includes SOPs for modular sample preparation & analysis and the glyXtoolCE software license.
glyXboxLC: Our standard glycoanalysis system that is based on hydrophilic interaction chromatography with fluorescence detection (HILIC-FLR). It includes SOPs for modular sample preparation & analysis and the glyXtoolLC software license.

Customised reagents & kits for glycoanalysis include:

– Fluorescent tags
– Migration and retention time normalisation standards
– Clean-up kits


glyXera GmbH
Brenneckestraße 20
ZENIT Building (House 66)
D-39120 Magdeburg

Phone: +49 391 6117 251
Fax: +49 391 6117 255

Email: info[at]


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
glyXera directly or get in touch with our network management here. We are happy to assist and arrange a meeting with our members.