Hybrotec GmbH is a private company, founded in 2010 as a spin off of the Biotechnology Department of Potsdam University. The main focus of Hybrotec GmbH is the generation of monoclonal antibodies using hybridoma technology. The founders share more than 15 years experience in generating and producing monoclonal antibodies as well as in the development of immunoassays.
Generation of Antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies recently developed by Hybrotec include several mycotoxin antibodies (e.g. zearalenon, ochratoxin A, aflatoxin) and cyanotoxin antibodies (cylindrospermopsin). Hybrotec antibodies to steroid hormones (progesteron, estradiol, testosteron) are successfully established in veterinary analysis. Further antigens are proteases (HtrA-proteins), allergens (bet V1), viral proteins (HEV), drugs (carbamazepin, THC) and several fluorescent dyes (e.g. TAMRA).
Assay Development
Hybrotec GmbH is also specialized in the development of different immunoassay formats. Besides established direct, indirect or competitive immunoassays, we also offer the development of homogeneous immunoassays based on fluorescence quenching or -increasing, fluorescence polarization (in collaboration with Aokin AG) or electrochemical detection (in collaboration with Fraunhofer IZI-BB). Furthermore, we develop special ELISA for individual applications.

Jörg Schenk
Am Mühlenberg 11
14476 Potsdam
phone: +49 (0)331 58187 231
email: joerg.schenk[at]hybrotec.com
web: hybrotec.com
What we offer
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)
- Generation of hybridoma cells
- Production of mAbs
- Cleaning mAbs
- Characterization of mAbs
- Labeling (biotin, peroxidase, fluorophores)
- mAbs against haptens (fluorophores, toxins, hormones
- Establishment of immunological detection systems
- direct, indirect & competitive ELISA
- homogeneous immunoassasy
- Fluorescence quenching assays
- Bead-based assays
Implementation of R&D projects, especially as a research facility through UP Transfer
What we are looking for
- Assay developers who need new mAbs
Users of our existing mAbs - Anti-carbohydrate AK users
- Developers & users of homogeneous assays
- Cooperation partner with FACS experience and equipment
- Cooperation partner in the field of chemical synthesis (especially fluorophore / analyte conjugates)