Past events
Below is a selection of events that we have organised in the past.
October 28, 2020
Inspiring, varied presentations as well as a lot of potential for research and development in the field of microbiota
The symposium „Trends in Microbiome and Microbiota Research“ took place on October 28, 2020, in the context of the IBID. More than 40 participants followed the invitation of the Innovation Hub 13 and the glyconet BB and were welcomed online at the jointly organized symposium „Trends in Microbiota and Microbiome Research“.
An outstanding mix of presentations from research institutions and companies was presented at the symposium. The speakers, with their different expertise, provided in-depth insights into the complex fields of microbiology. The topics focused on central issues such as standardization in sample collection, storage and analysis of stool samples (Prof. Frohme, TH Wildau), the impact of nutrition on the intestinal mucosa and possible associations with intestinal diseases (Dr. Björn Schröder, Umeo University, Sweden) and the analysis of biofilms and their prevention in the sewerage system (Dr. Anne Kammel, btu Cottbus-Senftenberg).
In addition, lectures from regional companies complemented the program. These included Novozymes Berlin GmbH (Dr. Romy Alisch), who outlined their services in the field of microorganisms. Belano medical GmbH (Dr. Reiprich) presented their body care series, where microorganisms are being used. Furthermore Dr. Philippe Ulsemer presented the Acyryon GmbH. Their focus is amongst others the development of pre-, pro- and postbiotka for different applications such as cancer, allergies, chronic and autoimmune diseases and infections. Exemplarily, Ph. Ulsemer explained their possible use for the prevention/therapy of cancer diseases and the treatment of vibro cholera infection.
Under the given circumstances with the limited possibilities of personal meetings, a platform for the exchange on current topics and activities in research and development was successfully set up.
We would once again like to thank all speakers for their presentation and engagement and the participants for their interest and questions.
- Interaction between diet, gut microbiota and the intestinal barrier, Dr. Björn O. Schröder, Umeå University, Sweden
- Poo data = big data = good data?, Prof. Marcus Frohme, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany
- Revealing the secret life of natural and artificial biofilms, Dr. Anne Kammel & Prof. Peter Schierack, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus – Senftenberg, Germany
- Translating good bacteria into tailored, customer-oriented microbial products: Novozymes Berlin GmbH at a glance, Dr. Romy Alisch, Novozymes Berlin GmbH, Berlin, Germany
- The skin microbiome in health and disease, Dr. Alexander Reiprich, BELANO medical AG, Hennigsdorf, Germany
- Glycobiology: Promising Future For Cutting Edge Microbiome Applications, Dr. Philippe Ulsemer, Acaryon UG, Schildow, Germany
After the speakers‘ agreement, the presentations will be published here and on the IBID website (Link).
This event was jointly organized by glyconet BB and Innovation Hub 13.
»Biotech meets Medicine«
September 18-20, 2019
Fraunhofer Conference Center Potsdam, Germany
Eine der sichtbarsten Aktivitäten des glyconet Berlin Brandenburg ist die Konferenz „New and Emerging Technologies“, die dieses Jahr unter dem Motto „Biotech meets Medicine“ stand und im September im Potsdam Science Park stattfand.
Bei der zweiten Ausgabe dieser Veranstaltung wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf Technologien gelegt, die in der zukünftigen medizinischen Patientenversorgung, insbesondere in der Diagnostik und / oder Therapie, eingesetzt werden können.
Die Konferenz bot den rund 90 internationalen Teilnehmern aus Forschung, Industrie und Politik ein Forum um Synergien zu identifizieren, neue Möglichkeiten für die Zusammenarbeit zu finden und um jüngste Fortschritte in den Bereichen Glycobiotechnology, Antibody Technologies, Aptamers and Functional Nucleic Acids, Advanced Imaging Techniques, Novel Targets and Drug Delivery Systems zu diskutieren.
Seit der Gründung des Netzwerks im Jahr 2014 haben sich 21 regionale und überregionale interdisziplinäre Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitutionen dem Kooperationsnetzwerk angeschlossen. Durch die Konferenz konnte das Netzwerk internationale Kontakte stärken und macht damit einen wichtigen Schritt zur Internationalisierung.
»Glycomedicine: immunotolerance, inflammation and cancer«
May 15, 2019; 13:00 -18:00
Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus, Berlin
GlycoBioTec 2019
The 2nd GlycoBioTec meeting was held to presenst and discuss current biomedical and biopharmaceutical glycobiotechnology topics. With over 200 particicipants it was a very interactive conference, where current issues and future cooparations were identified. Many thanks to the organizers for their efforts!
Read more on the conference website
Annual Meeting BioTech2020+
The Fraunhofer Society invited to attend this year’s Annual Congress Biotechnology. Over 110 participants from science, economy, and policy joined the invitation to Berlin to discuss current topics with the focus on „Biological Transformation: Cutting-Edge Technologies in Biomanufacturing“.
The presented aspects reached from Lighthouse Projects to automated and molecular systems in biotechnology, synthetic biology and last but not least glycobiotechnology. During that session members of the glyconetBB presented their competencies, projects, as well as challenges and opportunities for glycobiotechnology.
Statusseminar – Glykobiotechnologie 2018
The annual meeting of the glyconet BB was held to discuss current perspectives in glycobiotechnology, generate new ideas, and initiate common projects.
New and Emerging Technologies 2017
The 2017 conference on „New and Emerging Technologies“ provided a platform for international scientific exchange and showcases the newest developments in glycobiotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biofunctional materials, antibody technologies, synthetic biology and related areas. More
Winter School 2017
Successfully finished winter school „Moderne Methoden zur Synthese und Analyse von Glykoproteinen“ des glyconet Berlin Brandenburg e.V. More